Infographic: Virtusize Data 2021 is now available

Infographic: Virtusize Data 2021 is now available

Infographic: Virtusize Data 2021 is now available

We're excited to publish the infographic which shows Virtusize's user usage data in 2021!

Our signature service, "Virtusize", an online try-on solution, has been fully introduced to the EC sites of Japanese apparel companies since 2018, and by 2021, it will have provided size recommendations more than 500 million times. This means that on average, 1.4 million online try-ons were conducted each day.

The total number of size recommendations made reached 500 million, and the total amount of distribution generated via "Virtusize" reached 58.9 billion yen, the number of purchases made after "online try-on" hit  9 million. This data represents that we're supporting the building of a superior shopping experience for many users.

<About this Report>

This report covers:

- Trends in the number of Virtusize IDs
- Ranking of the most popular brands by item price group
- Total amount of distribution and number of purchases generated via Virtusize
- Average number of monthly active users - Number of size recommendations implemented
- Increase in CVR and cost-per-purchased item when using Virtusize
- Gender and age ratio of users

You can see the infographic here.

For more details of this report, please contact our sales representatives directly.

We're excited to publish the infographic which shows Virtusize's user usage data in 2021!

Our signature service, "Virtusize", an online try-on solution, has been fully introduced to the EC sites of Japanese apparel companies since 2018, and by 2021, it will have provided size recommendations more than 500 million times. This means that on average, 1.4 million online try-ons were conducted each day.

The total number of size recommendations made reached 500 million, and the total amount of distribution generated via "Virtusize" reached 58.9 billion yen, the number of purchases made after "online try-on" hit  9 million. This data represents that we're supporting the building of a superior shopping experience for many users.

<About this Report>

This report covers:

- Trends in the number of Virtusize IDs
- Ranking of the most popular brands by item price group
- Total amount of distribution and number of purchases generated via Virtusize
- Average number of monthly active users - Number of size recommendations implemented
- Increase in CVR and cost-per-purchased item when using Virtusize
- Gender and age ratio of users

You can see the infographic here.

For more details of this report, please contact our sales representatives directly.

We're excited to publish the infographic which shows Virtusize's user usage data in 2021!

Our signature service, "Virtusize", an online try-on solution, has been fully introduced to the EC sites of Japanese apparel companies since 2018, and by 2021, it will have provided size recommendations more than 500 million times. This means that on average, 1.4 million online try-ons were conducted each day.

The total number of size recommendations made reached 500 million, and the total amount of distribution generated via "Virtusize" reached 58.9 billion yen, the number of purchases made after "online try-on" hit  9 million. This data represents that we're supporting the building of a superior shopping experience for many users.

<About this Report>

This report covers:

- Trends in the number of Virtusize IDs
- Ranking of the most popular brands by item price group
- Total amount of distribution and number of purchases generated via Virtusize
- Average number of monthly active users - Number of size recommendations implemented
- Increase in CVR and cost-per-purchased item when using Virtusize
- Gender and age ratio of users

You can see the infographic here.

For more details of this report, please contact our sales representatives directly.

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Up next

【Safari Lounge】Virtusize比較機能の利用/非利用でCVRに約9倍もの差がついています!

【UNDER ARMOUR】Virtusize導入後、導入前の同期間と比較してVirtusize利用グループのサイズ起因返品率が27%減少

【WWD掲載】返品率11%削減 「アンダーアーマー」とタッグ、バーチャサイズが初の「シューズ のオンライン試着」実装



バーチャサイズ、靴のオンライン試着サービスをアンダーアーマーへ提供開始 ~フットウェアの返品率低減へ貢献 ~

Updated the silhouette !

New Partner - HIRYU

Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Online Shoe Fitting Service "Virtusize for Shoes" Adds "Sandals" Category

New Recommendation Service Based on Popular Items Now Available on the Top Page!

New partner -LIFiLL-

Safari Lounge - Virtusize 비교 기능을 사용할 때와 사용하지 않을 때의 CVR 차이는 약 9배에 달합니다!

Virtusize의 가상 피팅 솔루션, 오리지널 컷소 브랜드 【LIFiLL】에 제공 시작

글로벌 온라인 피팅 솔루션 버츄사이즈, 영국 프리미엄 컨템포러리 브랜드 올세인츠(Allsaints)에 서비스 제공 시작

버츄사이즈, 아웃도어 브랜드 네파(NEPA)에 서비스 제공

버츄사이즈, 온라인 쇼핑 솔루션 새 버전 출시

입어볼 수 없다면, 가지고 있는 옷과 비교해보세요. 사이즈 솔루션 ‘버츄사이즈’

Infographic: Virtusize Data 2021 is now available

We're excited to publish the infographic which shows Virtusize's user usage data in 2021!

Our signature service, "Virtusize", an online try-on solution, has been fully introduced to the EC sites of Japanese apparel companies since 2018, and by 2021, it will have provided size recommendations more than 500 million times. This means that on average, 1.4 million online try-ons were conducted each day.

The total number of size recommendations made reached 500 million, and the total amount of distribution generated via "Virtusize" reached 58.9 billion yen, the number of purchases made after "online try-on" hit  9 million. This data represents that we're supporting the building of a superior shopping experience for many users.

<About this Report>

This report covers:

- Trends in the number of Virtusize IDs
- Ranking of the most popular brands by item price group
- Total amount of distribution and number of purchases generated via Virtusize
- Average number of monthly active users - Number of size recommendations implemented
- Increase in CVR and cost-per-purchased item when using Virtusize
- Gender and age ratio of users

You can see the infographic here.

For more details of this report, please contact our sales representatives directly.

We're excited to publish the infographic which shows Virtusize's user usage data in 2021!

Our signature service, "Virtusize", an online try-on solution, has been fully introduced to the EC sites of Japanese apparel companies since 2018, and by 2021, it will have provided size recommendations more than 500 million times. This means that on average, 1.4 million online try-ons were conducted each day.

The total number of size recommendations made reached 500 million, and the total amount of distribution generated via "Virtusize" reached 58.9 billion yen, the number of purchases made after "online try-on" hit  9 million. This data represents that we're supporting the building of a superior shopping experience for many users.

<About this Report>

This report covers:

- Trends in the number of Virtusize IDs
- Ranking of the most popular brands by item price group
- Total amount of distribution and number of purchases generated via Virtusize
- Average number of monthly active users - Number of size recommendations implemented
- Increase in CVR and cost-per-purchased item when using Virtusize
- Gender and age ratio of users

You can see the infographic here.

For more details of this report, please contact our sales representatives directly.

Up next

【Safari Lounge】Virtusize比較機能の利用/非利用でCVRに約9倍もの差がついています!

【UNDER ARMOUR】Virtusize導入後、導入前の同期間と比較してVirtusize利用グループのサイズ起因返品率が27%減少

【WWD掲載】返品率11%削減 「アンダーアーマー」とタッグ、バーチャサイズが初の「シューズ のオンライン試着」実装



バーチャサイズ、靴のオンライン試着サービスをアンダーアーマーへ提供開始 ~フットウェアの返品率低減へ貢献 ~

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