Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine on February 17th, 2022.

FittingRoom was developed based on our long-held philosophy of "offering everyone the chance to find their own fashion" in order to create a new online fashion search support service.
FittingRoom provides the best recommendations according to each user's different criteria for choosing clothes, and delivers the world's first fashion discovery experience that is more satisfying than ever before.

<Key features>

1. Narrow down countless products from "the perfect size" at once

Our signature service, "Virtusize," an online try-on solution, will support users' satisfactory online size selection within FittingRoom too. The "My Size" function within FittingRoom, which utilizes Virtusize, allows users to narrow down their search to a size that matches their personalized silhouette and receive suggestions for products that better fit their body shape. Furthermore, if the user is an existing user of Virtusize, items with a similar size to items the user has registered in his/her closet in the past will also be displayed.

My Size: Using Virtusize data to find items that are the right size for you

2.A wide variety of particular conditions to meet every need

In addition to displaying recommended products based on virtual size registration information and data from a lineup similar to the products the user is browsing, the site also offers up to 20,000 different refinement patterns based on a wide variety of particular criteria. The system also offers up to 20,000 different patterns for users to narrow down their search based on a wide variety of criteria, such as discount rates, favorite colors, trends, and the scene in which the item is used, etc.


Fit ...Choose your preferred fit from tight, regular, and loose
Sale items ...Filter the list of items to which the specified discount rate is applied
Color palette ...Filter items based on 11 different color schemes, just like choosing a cosmetic palette
Scene ...Help you find the right item for your occasion, whether it is for going out or for home.
Style ...Filter the items according to your fashion taste in clothing

Prior to the official release, "FittingRoom" service is available on "Marui Web Channel," Marui's online shopping channel.

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine on February 17th, 2022.

FittingRoom was developed based on our long-held philosophy of "offering everyone the chance to find their own fashion" in order to create a new online fashion search support service.
FittingRoom provides the best recommendations according to each user's different criteria for choosing clothes, and delivers the world's first fashion discovery experience that is more satisfying than ever before.

<Key features>

1. Narrow down countless products from "the perfect size" at once

Our signature service, "Virtusize," an online try-on solution, will support users' satisfactory online size selection within FittingRoom too. The "My Size" function within FittingRoom, which utilizes Virtusize, allows users to narrow down their search to a size that matches their personalized silhouette and receive suggestions for products that better fit their body shape. Furthermore, if the user is an existing user of Virtusize, items with a similar size to items the user has registered in his/her closet in the past will also be displayed.

My Size: Using Virtusize data to find items that are the right size for you

2.A wide variety of particular conditions to meet every need

In addition to displaying recommended products based on virtual size registration information and data from a lineup similar to the products the user is browsing, the site also offers up to 20,000 different refinement patterns based on a wide variety of particular criteria. The system also offers up to 20,000 different patterns for users to narrow down their search based on a wide variety of criteria, such as discount rates, favorite colors, trends, and the scene in which the item is used, etc.


Fit ...Choose your preferred fit from tight, regular, and loose
Sale items ...Filter the list of items to which the specified discount rate is applied
Color palette ...Filter items based on 11 different color schemes, just like choosing a cosmetic palette
Scene ...Help you find the right item for your occasion, whether it is for going out or for home.
Style ...Filter the items according to your fashion taste in clothing

Prior to the official release, "FittingRoom" service is available on "Marui Web Channel," Marui's online shopping channel.

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine on February 17th, 2022.

FittingRoom was developed based on our long-held philosophy of "offering everyone the chance to find their own fashion" in order to create a new online fashion search support service.
FittingRoom provides the best recommendations according to each user's different criteria for choosing clothes, and delivers the world's first fashion discovery experience that is more satisfying than ever before.

<Key features>

1. Narrow down countless products from "the perfect size" at once

Our signature service, "Virtusize," an online try-on solution, will support users' satisfactory online size selection within FittingRoom too. The "My Size" function within FittingRoom, which utilizes Virtusize, allows users to narrow down their search to a size that matches their personalized silhouette and receive suggestions for products that better fit their body shape. Furthermore, if the user is an existing user of Virtusize, items with a similar size to items the user has registered in his/her closet in the past will also be displayed.

My Size: Using Virtusize data to find items that are the right size for you

2.A wide variety of particular conditions to meet every need

In addition to displaying recommended products based on virtual size registration information and data from a lineup similar to the products the user is browsing, the site also offers up to 20,000 different refinement patterns based on a wide variety of particular criteria. The system also offers up to 20,000 different patterns for users to narrow down their search based on a wide variety of criteria, such as discount rates, favorite colors, trends, and the scene in which the item is used, etc.


Fit ...Choose your preferred fit from tight, regular, and loose
Sale items ...Filter the list of items to which the specified discount rate is applied
Color palette ...Filter items based on 11 different color schemes, just like choosing a cosmetic palette
Scene ...Help you find the right item for your occasion, whether it is for going out or for home.
Style ...Filter the items according to your fashion taste in clothing

Prior to the official release, "FittingRoom" service is available on "Marui Web Channel," Marui's online shopping channel.

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


Updated the silhouette !

New Partner - HIRYU

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Safari Lounge - Virtusize 비교 기능을 사용할 때와 사용하지 않을 때의 CVR 차이는 약 9배에 달합니다!

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Virtusize의 가상 피팅 솔루션, 오리지널 컷소 브랜드 【LIFiLL】에 제공 시작

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Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine on February 17th, 2022.

FittingRoom was developed based on our long-held philosophy of "offering everyone the chance to find their own fashion" in order to create a new online fashion search support service.
FittingRoom provides the best recommendations according to each user's different criteria for choosing clothes, and delivers the world's first fashion discovery experience that is more satisfying than ever before.

<Key features>

1. Narrow down countless products from "the perfect size" at once

Our signature service, "Virtusize," an online try-on solution, will support users' satisfactory online size selection within FittingRoom too. The "My Size" function within FittingRoom, which utilizes Virtusize, allows users to narrow down their search to a size that matches their personalized silhouette and receive suggestions for products that better fit their body shape. Furthermore, if the user is an existing user of Virtusize, items with a similar size to items the user has registered in his/her closet in the past will also be displayed.

My Size: Using Virtusize data to find items that are the right size for you

2.A wide variety of particular conditions to meet every need

In addition to displaying recommended products based on virtual size registration information and data from a lineup similar to the products the user is browsing, the site also offers up to 20,000 different refinement patterns based on a wide variety of particular criteria. The system also offers up to 20,000 different patterns for users to narrow down their search based on a wide variety of criteria, such as discount rates, favorite colors, trends, and the scene in which the item is used, etc.


Fit ...Choose your preferred fit from tight, regular, and loose
Sale items ...Filter the list of items to which the specified discount rate is applied
Color palette ...Filter items based on 11 different color schemes, just like choosing a cosmetic palette
Scene ...Help you find the right item for your occasion, whether it is for going out or for home.
Style ...Filter the items according to your fashion taste in clothing

Prior to the official release, "FittingRoom" service is available on "Marui Web Channel," Marui's online shopping channel.

Launched a new service "FittingRoom", the world's first fashion discovery engine on February 17th, 2022.

FittingRoom was developed based on our long-held philosophy of "offering everyone the chance to find their own fashion" in order to create a new online fashion search support service.
FittingRoom provides the best recommendations according to each user's different criteria for choosing clothes, and delivers the world's first fashion discovery experience that is more satisfying than ever before.

<Key features>

1. Narrow down countless products from "the perfect size" at once

Our signature service, "Virtusize," an online try-on solution, will support users' satisfactory online size selection within FittingRoom too. The "My Size" function within FittingRoom, which utilizes Virtusize, allows users to narrow down their search to a size that matches their personalized silhouette and receive suggestions for products that better fit their body shape. Furthermore, if the user is an existing user of Virtusize, items with a similar size to items the user has registered in his/her closet in the past will also be displayed.

My Size: Using Virtusize data to find items that are the right size for you

2.A wide variety of particular conditions to meet every need

In addition to displaying recommended products based on virtual size registration information and data from a lineup similar to the products the user is browsing, the site also offers up to 20,000 different refinement patterns based on a wide variety of particular criteria. The system also offers up to 20,000 different patterns for users to narrow down their search based on a wide variety of criteria, such as discount rates, favorite colors, trends, and the scene in which the item is used, etc.


Fit ...Choose your preferred fit from tight, regular, and loose
Sale items ...Filter the list of items to which the specified discount rate is applied
Color palette ...Filter items based on 11 different color schemes, just like choosing a cosmetic palette
Scene ...Help you find the right item for your occasion, whether it is for going out or for home.
Style ...Filter the items according to your fashion taste in clothing

Prior to the official release, "FittingRoom" service is available on "Marui Web Channel," Marui's online shopping channel.

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


