New Partner - NAGAILEBEN

New Partner - NAGAILEBEN

New Partner - NAGAILEBEN

We are happy to announce the launch of our latest partner – Nagaileben!

By providing the latest version of our popular online fitting service to Nagaileben’s online catalog, we are contributing to improving the user experience for healthcare workers shopping online. 

◆A comment from NAGAILEBEN

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it has not been possible for healthcare workers to attend fitting sessions to decide the sizes of white coats. We decided to introduce Virtusize as we wanted users to avoid a situation where they are forced to choose their size by looking at the size chart. Furthermore, we already had customers working at clinics that purchase white coats online that cannot join the fitting sessions even before the pandemic. Thus, we hope that Virtusize can help them choose a suitable size.

After months of studying feedback and listening to what shoppers and retailers need, Virtusize is back with a brand new and smarter experience — full of features you will love!


1.(NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items fit on their bodies

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - An even more fine-tuned and accurate fit recommendation algorithm

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

【Product details】

1. (NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items would fit on their bodies

We understand that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Our unique Virtusize data-driven size and fit service uses algorithms to create accurate personalized user silhouettes.

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - an even more fine-tuned and accurate fit

The world moves fast, and online shoppers expect a flawless experience. Our features sit right on your product pages to offer your users our full service with minimum effort. We provide instant size recommendations based on purchase history or body data.

For new shoppers, we provide instant guidance based on your brand's own sizing guidelines and we make it incredibly simple to get a personalized recommendation.

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

Shoppers want to know all about the details. Answering one of their most urgent needs, we help them understand overall brand sizing — a feature only offered by Virtusize.

◆About Nagaileben co,. Ltd.

Nagaileben( has been running for 106 years to plan and sell white coats. They specialize in providing white coats for doctors and nurses at medical institutions. Furthermore, they continue producing high-quality products to respond to customers’ needs as a top sales brand of medical clothes. 

◆Please contact us from HERE for inquiries on this article.

We are happy to announce the launch of our latest partner – Nagaileben!

By providing the latest version of our popular online fitting service to Nagaileben’s online catalog, we are contributing to improving the user experience for healthcare workers shopping online. 

◆A comment from NAGAILEBEN

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it has not been possible for healthcare workers to attend fitting sessions to decide the sizes of white coats. We decided to introduce Virtusize as we wanted users to avoid a situation where they are forced to choose their size by looking at the size chart. Furthermore, we already had customers working at clinics that purchase white coats online that cannot join the fitting sessions even before the pandemic. Thus, we hope that Virtusize can help them choose a suitable size.

After months of studying feedback and listening to what shoppers and retailers need, Virtusize is back with a brand new and smarter experience — full of features you will love!


1.(NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items fit on their bodies

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - An even more fine-tuned and accurate fit recommendation algorithm

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

【Product details】

1. (NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items would fit on their bodies

We understand that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Our unique Virtusize data-driven size and fit service uses algorithms to create accurate personalized user silhouettes.

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - an even more fine-tuned and accurate fit

The world moves fast, and online shoppers expect a flawless experience. Our features sit right on your product pages to offer your users our full service with minimum effort. We provide instant size recommendations based on purchase history or body data.

For new shoppers, we provide instant guidance based on your brand's own sizing guidelines and we make it incredibly simple to get a personalized recommendation.

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

Shoppers want to know all about the details. Answering one of their most urgent needs, we help them understand overall brand sizing — a feature only offered by Virtusize.

◆About Nagaileben co,. Ltd.

Nagaileben( has been running for 106 years to plan and sell white coats. They specialize in providing white coats for doctors and nurses at medical institutions. Furthermore, they continue producing high-quality products to respond to customers’ needs as a top sales brand of medical clothes. 

◆Please contact us from HERE for inquiries on this article.

We are happy to announce the launch of our latest partner – Nagaileben!

By providing the latest version of our popular online fitting service to Nagaileben’s online catalog, we are contributing to improving the user experience for healthcare workers shopping online. 

◆A comment from NAGAILEBEN

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it has not been possible for healthcare workers to attend fitting sessions to decide the sizes of white coats. We decided to introduce Virtusize as we wanted users to avoid a situation where they are forced to choose their size by looking at the size chart. Furthermore, we already had customers working at clinics that purchase white coats online that cannot join the fitting sessions even before the pandemic. Thus, we hope that Virtusize can help them choose a suitable size.

After months of studying feedback and listening to what shoppers and retailers need, Virtusize is back with a brand new and smarter experience — full of features you will love!


1.(NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items fit on their bodies

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - An even more fine-tuned and accurate fit recommendation algorithm

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

【Product details】

1. (NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items would fit on their bodies

We understand that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Our unique Virtusize data-driven size and fit service uses algorithms to create accurate personalized user silhouettes.

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - an even more fine-tuned and accurate fit

The world moves fast, and online shoppers expect a flawless experience. Our features sit right on your product pages to offer your users our full service with minimum effort. We provide instant size recommendations based on purchase history or body data.

For new shoppers, we provide instant guidance based on your brand's own sizing guidelines and we make it incredibly simple to get a personalized recommendation.

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

Shoppers want to know all about the details. Answering one of their most urgent needs, we help them understand overall brand sizing — a feature only offered by Virtusize.

◆About Nagaileben co,. Ltd.

Nagaileben( has been running for 106 years to plan and sell white coats. They specialize in providing white coats for doctors and nurses at medical institutions. Furthermore, they continue producing high-quality products to respond to customers’ needs as a top sales brand of medical clothes. 

◆Please contact us from HERE for inquiries on this article.

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


Updated the silhouette !

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New Partner - NAGAILEBEN

We are happy to announce the launch of our latest partner – Nagaileben!

By providing the latest version of our popular online fitting service to Nagaileben’s online catalog, we are contributing to improving the user experience for healthcare workers shopping online. 

◆A comment from NAGAILEBEN

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it has not been possible for healthcare workers to attend fitting sessions to decide the sizes of white coats. We decided to introduce Virtusize as we wanted users to avoid a situation where they are forced to choose their size by looking at the size chart. Furthermore, we already had customers working at clinics that purchase white coats online that cannot join the fitting sessions even before the pandemic. Thus, we hope that Virtusize can help them choose a suitable size.

After months of studying feedback and listening to what shoppers and retailers need, Virtusize is back with a brand new and smarter experience — full of features you will love!


1.(NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items fit on their bodies

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - An even more fine-tuned and accurate fit recommendation algorithm

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

【Product details】

1. (NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items would fit on their bodies

We understand that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Our unique Virtusize data-driven size and fit service uses algorithms to create accurate personalized user silhouettes.

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - an even more fine-tuned and accurate fit

The world moves fast, and online shoppers expect a flawless experience. Our features sit right on your product pages to offer your users our full service with minimum effort. We provide instant size recommendations based on purchase history or body data.

For new shoppers, we provide instant guidance based on your brand's own sizing guidelines and we make it incredibly simple to get a personalized recommendation.

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

Shoppers want to know all about the details. Answering one of their most urgent needs, we help them understand overall brand sizing — a feature only offered by Virtusize.

◆About Nagaileben co,. Ltd.

Nagaileben( has been running for 106 years to plan and sell white coats. They specialize in providing white coats for doctors and nurses at medical institutions. Furthermore, they continue producing high-quality products to respond to customers’ needs as a top sales brand of medical clothes. 

◆Please contact us from HERE for inquiries on this article.

We are happy to announce the launch of our latest partner – Nagaileben!

By providing the latest version of our popular online fitting service to Nagaileben’s online catalog, we are contributing to improving the user experience for healthcare workers shopping online. 

◆A comment from NAGAILEBEN

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it has not been possible for healthcare workers to attend fitting sessions to decide the sizes of white coats. We decided to introduce Virtusize as we wanted users to avoid a situation where they are forced to choose their size by looking at the size chart. Furthermore, we already had customers working at clinics that purchase white coats online that cannot join the fitting sessions even before the pandemic. Thus, we hope that Virtusize can help them choose a suitable size.

After months of studying feedback and listening to what shoppers and retailers need, Virtusize is back with a brand new and smarter experience — full of features you will love!


1.(NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items fit on their bodies

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - An even more fine-tuned and accurate fit recommendation algorithm

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

【Product details】

1. (NEW) Try it on - Allow shoppers to visualize how items would fit on their bodies

We understand that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Our unique Virtusize data-driven size and fit service uses algorithms to create accurate personalized user silhouettes.

2.(Improved) Fit recommendation - an even more fine-tuned and accurate fit

The world moves fast, and online shoppers expect a flawless experience. Our features sit right on your product pages to offer your users our full service with minimum effort. We provide instant size recommendations based on purchase history or body data.

For new shoppers, we provide instant guidance based on your brand's own sizing guidelines and we make it incredibly simple to get a personalized recommendation.

3.(NEW) Product detail - All your product information under one roof

Shoppers want to know all about the details. Answering one of their most urgent needs, we help them understand overall brand sizing — a feature only offered by Virtusize.

◆About Nagaileben co,. Ltd.

Nagaileben( has been running for 106 years to plan and sell white coats. They specialize in providing white coats for doctors and nurses at medical institutions. Furthermore, they continue producing high-quality products to respond to customers’ needs as a top sales brand of medical clothes. 

◆Please contact us from HERE for inquiries on this article.

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


