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Virtusize helps your customers find fashion they’ll truly love.

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Perfect fit,
every time.

Our unique size and fit service sits right on your product pages and takes the guesswork out of e-commerce.

We help your shoppers find their perfect fit, every time.
It's fashion shopping the way it should be.
Effortless, safe and fun.

Compare item sizes

Our online dressing room lets shoppers compare the size of a product with an item they already own and trust will fit.

Try items on

Shoppers can create a digital silhouette and try items on to see how they actually fit. It's the fun of fashion shopping, minus the guesswork.

Create a wardrobe

Shoppers can manage all their past purchases in one place and take it with them wherever they shop online.


What if your shoppers could find perfectly fitting items with every search? We bring you…a brand new way to shop.

Introducing the fitting room of the future

Our unique size and fit service sits right on your product pages and takes the guesswork out of e-commerce.

Powered by discovery

With just one click, shoppers can access a beautifully curated selection of similar items in the design and style the shopper is looking for — directly from your product page.

Tailored to their journey

95% of online fashion shoppers state they regularly have trouble finding the right size and fit. FittingRoom lets them explore items that fit them just right, comparing a product's size with their past purchases or trying it on their own body.

More than just similar items

Your shoppers are looking for that perfect deal? With one click, FittingRoom opens up a whole new world of personalized designs and perfectly fitting products…that are on sale.

Find the perfect fit

Fittingroom helps your shoppers  find perfectly fitting items every time they shop online, simply by comparing with a past purchase or creating their own body profile.

Try before you buy

It only takes one click to see how it fits. Your shoppers can now proceed to check out.

Try before you buy

It only takes one click to see how it fits. Your shoppers can now proceed to check out.

Learn more

Fashion retailers
already with Virtusize.

Virtuzise helps millions of customers shop with confidence from their favorite online stores and brands.

Grow your business
with us.

Virtusize is a fashion tech company founded in Stockholm, Sweden, and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Our award-winning size and fit service is already used by over 100 leading global fashion retailers.



We've spent the past 7 years helping fashion retailers take size and fit metrics to a whole new level. Over 150 million orders later, we remain committed to our founding goal: to connect shoppers with fashion they will truly love.



Over 30 million shoppers have used our world-leading size and fit service – currently more than 3 million shoppers per month. There's huge untapped value in helping customers find the perfect fit.



Our service is currently available for over 10 million fashion items worldwide. From mall sites to brands, over 100 leading companies trust Virtusize to optimize their customer experience.

Inside Fashion.

Find out what our partners have to say about how Virtusize has refashioned their online  platforms.

Sanyo Shokai


Sanyo Shokai

Sanyo Shokai

Sanyo Shokai

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


Updated the silhouette !

New Partner - HIRYU

Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Online Shoe Fitting Service "Virtusize for Shoes" Adds "Sandals" Category

New Recommendation Service Based on Popular Items Now Available on the Top Page!

New partner -LIFiLL-

온라인 시착 솔루션 "버처사이즈", 일본 전자상거래 사이트 HIRYU에 제공 시작

Safari Lounge - Virtusize 비교 기능을 사용할 때와 사용하지 않을 때의 CVR 차이는 약 9배에 달합니다!

온라인 신발 피팅 서비스 "Virtusize for Shoes", 대상 카테고리에 "샌들" 추가

인기 아이템을 기반으로 한 추천 서비스를 홈페이지에 표시할 수 있게 되었습니다!

Virtusize의 가상 피팅 솔루션, 오리지널 컷소 브랜드 【LIFiLL】에 제공 시작

온라인 시착 솔루션 "버처사이즈", 한국의 전자상거래 사이트 nugu에 제공 시작

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Try us for size.

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