Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Company Name: Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.
Department & Position: Safari Lounge Department, Chief
Name: Yotaro Wada

About Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.

Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd. publishes men's fashion magazines such as "Fine," which has over 40 years of history since its inception, as well as "Safari" and "FINEBOYS." They also publish entertainment books and books. The official online store "Safari Lounge" for "Safari" is operated by them. They sell carefully selected products, mainly popular brands introduced in the magazine, to meet the needs of Safari readers who seek a luxurious and active lifestyle like LA celebrities.
Official site:

Challenges before Introducing Virtusize and Reasons for Implementation

Since Safari Lounge only sells online without a physical store, the ideal user experience is to give customers a sense of satisfaction as if they actually picked up and tried on the product.

This led us to Virtusize's online fitting service. We felt that Virtusize's size recommendation, based on "comparing with clothes you own," matched our ideal of providing a "satisfying experience."


Virtusize (Comparison Service)


Achieved a state where the CVR is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used (as of July 2024).

Customer's Voice:

With the introduction of Virtusize, we are now able to provide a solution for customers with size concerns through online fitting and size recommendations. The CVR increased by about nine times when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used. After the introduction, besides CVR, we also consider the coverage rate (how many customers are interacting with Virtusize) as a metric. By repeatedly implementing and improving measures, we have also increased the number of products that can be compared in size.

In the future, we want to continue accelerating measures to alleviate customer size concerns. We believe that the size concerns of customers shopping online are gradually being resolved with the introduction of Virtusize. However, for customers who shop in physical stores, trying on clothes in real stores still provides more assurance. As we do not have physical stores, we want to consider using Virtusize solutions in various measures while communicating with Virtusize to provide a more reassuring shopping experience for customers who cannot visit the stores or are considering shopping online as a result of their in-store purchases.

Message from the Virtusize Representative:

"Safari Lounge," which provides lifestyle items that meet the needs of "Safari" magazine readers, only sells products online, making it essential for customers to understand the size fit. We are very pleased that with the introduction of Virtusize, we have been able to support many customers in overcoming their size concerns and guiding them to purchase.

At the same time, we have received feedback from Safari Lounge about their desire to provide a more realistic shopping experience. To offer a better shopping experience, we are continuously improving the recommendation accuracy and analyzing and enhancing the UI/UX and user experience.

In addition to our size comparison tool "Virtusize," we have also released "FittingRoom," which allows recommending and searching for recommended products, and "Analytics," which visualizes and analyzes customer data collected from various services. We aim to improve performance for our clients by not only being a size comparison tool but also engaging with customer purchase data as a data platform.

About Virtusize

Virtusize is a fashion big data company that offers a virtual fitting solution "Virtusize," an item recommendation solution "FittingRoom," and an analysis platform "Analytics," based on product size data. These solutions provide highly personalized recommendations and support appropriate item selection based on "cross-site" purchase and comparison information entrusted by customers. For the fashion e-commerce industry, we contribute to reducing return rates and improving repeat rates. Currently, over 150 fashion sites worldwide, including Adidas, Ralph Lauren, Under Armour, Beams, United Arrows, Onward, World, Marui, and Lumine, use our services.

Company Name: Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.
Department & Position: Safari Lounge Department, Chief
Name: Yotaro Wada

About Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.

Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd. publishes men's fashion magazines such as "Fine," which has over 40 years of history since its inception, as well as "Safari" and "FINEBOYS." They also publish entertainment books and books. The official online store "Safari Lounge" for "Safari" is operated by them. They sell carefully selected products, mainly popular brands introduced in the magazine, to meet the needs of Safari readers who seek a luxurious and active lifestyle like LA celebrities.
Official site:

Challenges before Introducing Virtusize and Reasons for Implementation

Since Safari Lounge only sells online without a physical store, the ideal user experience is to give customers a sense of satisfaction as if they actually picked up and tried on the product.

This led us to Virtusize's online fitting service. We felt that Virtusize's size recommendation, based on "comparing with clothes you own," matched our ideal of providing a "satisfying experience."


Virtusize (Comparison Service)


Achieved a state where the CVR is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used (as of July 2024).

Customer's Voice:

With the introduction of Virtusize, we are now able to provide a solution for customers with size concerns through online fitting and size recommendations. The CVR increased by about nine times when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used. After the introduction, besides CVR, we also consider the coverage rate (how many customers are interacting with Virtusize) as a metric. By repeatedly implementing and improving measures, we have also increased the number of products that can be compared in size.

In the future, we want to continue accelerating measures to alleviate customer size concerns. We believe that the size concerns of customers shopping online are gradually being resolved with the introduction of Virtusize. However, for customers who shop in physical stores, trying on clothes in real stores still provides more assurance. As we do not have physical stores, we want to consider using Virtusize solutions in various measures while communicating with Virtusize to provide a more reassuring shopping experience for customers who cannot visit the stores or are considering shopping online as a result of their in-store purchases.

Message from the Virtusize Representative:

"Safari Lounge," which provides lifestyle items that meet the needs of "Safari" magazine readers, only sells products online, making it essential for customers to understand the size fit. We are very pleased that with the introduction of Virtusize, we have been able to support many customers in overcoming their size concerns and guiding them to purchase.

At the same time, we have received feedback from Safari Lounge about their desire to provide a more realistic shopping experience. To offer a better shopping experience, we are continuously improving the recommendation accuracy and analyzing and enhancing the UI/UX and user experience.

In addition to our size comparison tool "Virtusize," we have also released "FittingRoom," which allows recommending and searching for recommended products, and "Analytics," which visualizes and analyzes customer data collected from various services. We aim to improve performance for our clients by not only being a size comparison tool but also engaging with customer purchase data as a data platform.

About Virtusize

Virtusize is a fashion big data company that offers a virtual fitting solution "Virtusize," an item recommendation solution "FittingRoom," and an analysis platform "Analytics," based on product size data. These solutions provide highly personalized recommendations and support appropriate item selection based on "cross-site" purchase and comparison information entrusted by customers. For the fashion e-commerce industry, we contribute to reducing return rates and improving repeat rates. Currently, over 150 fashion sites worldwide, including Adidas, Ralph Lauren, Under Armour, Beams, United Arrows, Onward, World, Marui, and Lumine, use our services.

Company Name: Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.
Department & Position: Safari Lounge Department, Chief
Name: Yotaro Wada

About Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.

Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd. publishes men's fashion magazines such as "Fine," which has over 40 years of history since its inception, as well as "Safari" and "FINEBOYS." They also publish entertainment books and books. The official online store "Safari Lounge" for "Safari" is operated by them. They sell carefully selected products, mainly popular brands introduced in the magazine, to meet the needs of Safari readers who seek a luxurious and active lifestyle like LA celebrities.
Official site:

Challenges before Introducing Virtusize and Reasons for Implementation

Since Safari Lounge only sells online without a physical store, the ideal user experience is to give customers a sense of satisfaction as if they actually picked up and tried on the product.

This led us to Virtusize's online fitting service. We felt that Virtusize's size recommendation, based on "comparing with clothes you own," matched our ideal of providing a "satisfying experience."


Virtusize (Comparison Service)


Achieved a state where the CVR is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used (as of July 2024).

Customer's Voice:

With the introduction of Virtusize, we are now able to provide a solution for customers with size concerns through online fitting and size recommendations. The CVR increased by about nine times when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used. After the introduction, besides CVR, we also consider the coverage rate (how many customers are interacting with Virtusize) as a metric. By repeatedly implementing and improving measures, we have also increased the number of products that can be compared in size.

In the future, we want to continue accelerating measures to alleviate customer size concerns. We believe that the size concerns of customers shopping online are gradually being resolved with the introduction of Virtusize. However, for customers who shop in physical stores, trying on clothes in real stores still provides more assurance. As we do not have physical stores, we want to consider using Virtusize solutions in various measures while communicating with Virtusize to provide a more reassuring shopping experience for customers who cannot visit the stores or are considering shopping online as a result of their in-store purchases.

Message from the Virtusize Representative:

"Safari Lounge," which provides lifestyle items that meet the needs of "Safari" magazine readers, only sells products online, making it essential for customers to understand the size fit. We are very pleased that with the introduction of Virtusize, we have been able to support many customers in overcoming their size concerns and guiding them to purchase.

At the same time, we have received feedback from Safari Lounge about their desire to provide a more realistic shopping experience. To offer a better shopping experience, we are continuously improving the recommendation accuracy and analyzing and enhancing the UI/UX and user experience.

In addition to our size comparison tool "Virtusize," we have also released "FittingRoom," which allows recommending and searching for recommended products, and "Analytics," which visualizes and analyzes customer data collected from various services. We aim to improve performance for our clients by not only being a size comparison tool but also engaging with customer purchase data as a data platform.

About Virtusize

Virtusize is a fashion big data company that offers a virtual fitting solution "Virtusize," an item recommendation solution "FittingRoom," and an analysis platform "Analytics," based on product size data. These solutions provide highly personalized recommendations and support appropriate item selection based on "cross-site" purchase and comparison information entrusted by customers. For the fashion e-commerce industry, we contribute to reducing return rates and improving repeat rates. Currently, over 150 fashion sites worldwide, including Adidas, Ralph Lauren, Under Armour, Beams, United Arrows, Onward, World, Marui, and Lumine, use our services.

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【Safari Lounge】Virtusize比較機能の利用/非利用でCVRに約9倍もの差がついています!

靴のオンライン試着サービス「Virtusize for Shoes」、対象カテゴリ「サンダル」を新たに追加


Updated the silhouette !

New Partner - HIRYU

Online Shoe Fitting Service "Virtusize for Shoes" Adds "Sandals" Category

New Recommendation Service Based on Popular Items Now Available on the Top Page!

New partner -LIFiLL-

[UNDER ARMOUR] Case study

실루엣 그리기를 업데이트했습니다!

온라인 시착 솔루션 "버처사이즈", 일본 전자상거래 사이트 HIRYU에 제공 시작

Safari Lounge - Virtusize 비교 기능을 사용할 때와 사용하지 않을 때의 CVR 차이는 약 9배에 달합니다!

온라인 신발 피팅 서비스 "Virtusize for Shoes", 대상 카테고리에 "샌들" 추가

인기 아이템을 기반으로 한 추천 서비스를 홈페이지에 표시할 수 있게 되었습니다!

Virtusize의 가상 피팅 솔루션, 오리지널 컷소 브랜드 【LIFiLL】에 제공 시작

Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Company Name: Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.
Department & Position: Safari Lounge Department, Chief
Name: Yotaro Wada

About Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.

Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd. publishes men's fashion magazines such as "Fine," which has over 40 years of history since its inception, as well as "Safari" and "FINEBOYS." They also publish entertainment books and books. The official online store "Safari Lounge" for "Safari" is operated by them. They sell carefully selected products, mainly popular brands introduced in the magazine, to meet the needs of Safari readers who seek a luxurious and active lifestyle like LA celebrities.
Official site:

Challenges before Introducing Virtusize and Reasons for Implementation

Since Safari Lounge only sells online without a physical store, the ideal user experience is to give customers a sense of satisfaction as if they actually picked up and tried on the product.

This led us to Virtusize's online fitting service. We felt that Virtusize's size recommendation, based on "comparing with clothes you own," matched our ideal of providing a "satisfying experience."


Virtusize (Comparison Service)


Achieved a state where the CVR is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used (as of July 2024).

Customer's Voice:

With the introduction of Virtusize, we are now able to provide a solution for customers with size concerns through online fitting and size recommendations. The CVR increased by about nine times when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used. After the introduction, besides CVR, we also consider the coverage rate (how many customers are interacting with Virtusize) as a metric. By repeatedly implementing and improving measures, we have also increased the number of products that can be compared in size.

In the future, we want to continue accelerating measures to alleviate customer size concerns. We believe that the size concerns of customers shopping online are gradually being resolved with the introduction of Virtusize. However, for customers who shop in physical stores, trying on clothes in real stores still provides more assurance. As we do not have physical stores, we want to consider using Virtusize solutions in various measures while communicating with Virtusize to provide a more reassuring shopping experience for customers who cannot visit the stores or are considering shopping online as a result of their in-store purchases.

Message from the Virtusize Representative:

"Safari Lounge," which provides lifestyle items that meet the needs of "Safari" magazine readers, only sells products online, making it essential for customers to understand the size fit. We are very pleased that with the introduction of Virtusize, we have been able to support many customers in overcoming their size concerns and guiding them to purchase.

At the same time, we have received feedback from Safari Lounge about their desire to provide a more realistic shopping experience. To offer a better shopping experience, we are continuously improving the recommendation accuracy and analyzing and enhancing the UI/UX and user experience.

In addition to our size comparison tool "Virtusize," we have also released "FittingRoom," which allows recommending and searching for recommended products, and "Analytics," which visualizes and analyzes customer data collected from various services. We aim to improve performance for our clients by not only being a size comparison tool but also engaging with customer purchase data as a data platform.

About Virtusize

Virtusize is a fashion big data company that offers a virtual fitting solution "Virtusize," an item recommendation solution "FittingRoom," and an analysis platform "Analytics," based on product size data. These solutions provide highly personalized recommendations and support appropriate item selection based on "cross-site" purchase and comparison information entrusted by customers. For the fashion e-commerce industry, we contribute to reducing return rates and improving repeat rates. Currently, over 150 fashion sites worldwide, including Adidas, Ralph Lauren, Under Armour, Beams, United Arrows, Onward, World, Marui, and Lumine, use our services.

Company Name: Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.
Department & Position: Safari Lounge Department, Chief
Name: Yotaro Wada

About Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd.

Hinodeshuppan Co., Ltd. publishes men's fashion magazines such as "Fine," which has over 40 years of history since its inception, as well as "Safari" and "FINEBOYS." They also publish entertainment books and books. The official online store "Safari Lounge" for "Safari" is operated by them. They sell carefully selected products, mainly popular brands introduced in the magazine, to meet the needs of Safari readers who seek a luxurious and active lifestyle like LA celebrities.
Official site:

Challenges before Introducing Virtusize and Reasons for Implementation

Since Safari Lounge only sells online without a physical store, the ideal user experience is to give customers a sense of satisfaction as if they actually picked up and tried on the product.

This led us to Virtusize's online fitting service. We felt that Virtusize's size recommendation, based on "comparing with clothes you own," matched our ideal of providing a "satisfying experience."


Virtusize (Comparison Service)


Achieved a state where the CVR is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used (as of July 2024).

Customer's Voice:

With the introduction of Virtusize, we are now able to provide a solution for customers with size concerns through online fitting and size recommendations. The CVR increased by about nine times when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used. After the introduction, besides CVR, we also consider the coverage rate (how many customers are interacting with Virtusize) as a metric. By repeatedly implementing and improving measures, we have also increased the number of products that can be compared in size.

In the future, we want to continue accelerating measures to alleviate customer size concerns. We believe that the size concerns of customers shopping online are gradually being resolved with the introduction of Virtusize. However, for customers who shop in physical stores, trying on clothes in real stores still provides more assurance. As we do not have physical stores, we want to consider using Virtusize solutions in various measures while communicating with Virtusize to provide a more reassuring shopping experience for customers who cannot visit the stores or are considering shopping online as a result of their in-store purchases.

Message from the Virtusize Representative:

"Safari Lounge," which provides lifestyle items that meet the needs of "Safari" magazine readers, only sells products online, making it essential for customers to understand the size fit. We are very pleased that with the introduction of Virtusize, we have been able to support many customers in overcoming their size concerns and guiding them to purchase.

At the same time, we have received feedback from Safari Lounge about their desire to provide a more realistic shopping experience. To offer a better shopping experience, we are continuously improving the recommendation accuracy and analyzing and enhancing the UI/UX and user experience.

In addition to our size comparison tool "Virtusize," we have also released "FittingRoom," which allows recommending and searching for recommended products, and "Analytics," which visualizes and analyzes customer data collected from various services. We aim to improve performance for our clients by not only being a size comparison tool but also engaging with customer purchase data as a data platform.

About Virtusize

Virtusize is a fashion big data company that offers a virtual fitting solution "Virtusize," an item recommendation solution "FittingRoom," and an analysis platform "Analytics," based on product size data. These solutions provide highly personalized recommendations and support appropriate item selection based on "cross-site" purchase and comparison information entrusted by customers. For the fashion e-commerce industry, we contribute to reducing return rates and improving repeat rates. Currently, over 150 fashion sites worldwide, including Adidas, Ralph Lauren, Under Armour, Beams, United Arrows, Onward, World, Marui, and Lumine, use our services.

Up next




【Safari Lounge】Virtusize比較機能の利用/非利用でCVRに約9倍もの差がついています!

靴のオンライン試着サービス「Virtusize for Shoes」、対象カテゴリ「サンダル」を新たに追加


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